MHC Stresser Source

Hello, today I offer you the source of MHC stresser used to BKDservice (It is also translated into Romanian + database.sql)


Do not give other information about this stresser (I’m not good at it).


//I’ll come back with a tutorial that will explain in detail how to use, how do get the boot as DDoS give

E-mail scanner by PSGcenter



Virustotal :

Download :

What is this program?

Well, he out emails from web sites.

How we find sites to be extracted?
Simply follow the down pages Method # 1  both are private.

Instructions for the program:
Going into it we click the E-mail Scanner. Please click the “…” button next to Status: Idle
txt file then choose the sites and give home and he will automatically scan. We also have a button to add
proxy surfing unsure if we believe those sites. We Save button saves the emails he txt list
in a txt emails.txt that you find in your directory.

I with this program and no method #1 I pulled in 5 minutes in 10 sites about 48,000 emails.

Method #1

Going on google write this:
And all the sites that we find a file with the extension .sql add to that txt file with websites
If you want a particular country as we proceed? Let’s say that we do so in Italy
Going on google write this: filetype:sql
that says site .it write extension sites in the country that we want to extract (.it=italia)

I have a method that extract just as quick to get back with her in a few days.


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